
5 11 2010

Earlier today on Twitter I was contemplating what I should do with November.  November is well-known for being “National Write a Novel Month” (NaNoWriMo) or “Movember” (something about facial hair) but I’m not a writer and I lack the testosterone needed to grow a mustache.  Also, I just don’t think it’d be a good look for me.  I put my question to the masses– What do I do with November if I’m not a writer and I’m not willing to endure hormone injections?

Eight million tweets later, National Deep-fry a New Food Month was born.  This November, me and many other awesome people will be deep-frying a new food every day.  Are your arteries hardcore enough for this?

The deep-frying adventures will be documented at the NaDeNeFoMo tumblr account, as well as at How To Eat, and the personal blogs/tumblr/Twitter accounts of the participants.  If you lack a deep fryer but want a NaDeNeFoMo participants to deep-fry on your behalf, send an email with your idea to NaDeNeFoMo at gmail dot com.

Go!  Tell everyone!  This is America!  We have the right, nay, THE DUTY, to deep-fry everything!



2 responses

5 11 2010

I have only ever deep-fried anything once. It was zucchini blossoms and it was delicious:

I’m kind of scared of deep-frying. No one in my family did it so I felt like quite the hot-oil virgin. That sounds really sexy till you realize I’m talking about Canola.

How are you doing? All better? They figure you out yet?

8 11 2010
More Meal Planning Apps and Resources « Little Big

[…] of these things. And yet she felt left out. So she’s taking on a challenge of another kind: National Deep-fry a New Food Month. I look to her with a mixture admiration and fear as I am personally very intimidated by […]

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